• 22 апреля 2017, суббота
  • Рига, Lomonosova 1/4

Международный балтийский курс (6 часов)

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Школа аудиовизуального перевода
2555 дней назад
с 0:00 22 апреля до 0:00 23 апреля 2017
Lomonosova 1/4

Мастер-класс пройдет в рамках конференции в Балтийской международная академии г.Рига. Подробнее о конференции http://ecl.lv/conference и мастер-классахhttp://ecl.lv/masterclass


Seven Steps across an Abyss — from Translating Texts to Translating Audiovisual Discourses

Alexey Kozulyaev

 Director of the Rufilms School of Audiovisual Translation, the Russian AV teaching guru working with more than 10 universities in Russia and abroad, a member of the Centre for Research in Translation and Transcultural Studies of University of Roehampton (Great Britain).


There are many extremes in the opinions about audiovisual traslation. Some believe that it is the most influential type of translation in the modern world if we consider the amout of time people spend watching videos and playing games. Others deny to it the very right to be called translation and claim it can not be taught at all. Still we all live in the world where AV translation has to be taught. The master class will show to you the basic milestones of the teaching process and take you through them all using practical exercises developed for our courses in Russia and abroad.

Venue: Baltic International Academy (Riga, Latvia), Lomonosova ¼
Email: ecl.latvia@bsa.edu.lv
Duration: 4 academic hours

Banking Details:
SIA “Baltijas Starptautiskā Akadēmija”
Registration No. LV 40003101808
A/S "Swedbank"
IBAN: LV68HABA0551003662871
Details of payment: Master Class (T.Struk), Master Class (A.Kozulyaev)



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